School of Humanities


  1. Arich-Gerz, Bruno, Dr. (FB A German Didactics)
  2. Bode, Frauke, Dr. (FB A Romance Philology)
  3. Chihaia, Matei, Prof. Dr. (FB A Romance Philology)
  4. Efing, Christian, Prof. Dr. (FB A German Didactics)
  5. Frey, Julia (FB A German Linguistics)
  6. Gil, Laia Arnaus (FB A Romance Linguistics)
  7. Göbbel, Edward, Dr. (FB A English Linguistics)
  8. Hsu, Chia-Chun (FB B Experimental Industrial Psychology)
  9. Kellermeier-Rehbein, Birte, Dr. (FB A German Linguistics)
  10. Kiefer, Karl-Hubert, Dr. (FB A German Didactics)
  11. Kiziltan, Dilek (FB A German Linguistics)
  12. Köberlein-Neu, Juliane, Prof. Dr. (FB B Competence Centre for Health Management and Public Health)
  13. Krahé, Detlef, Prof. Dr. (FB E Signal Processing)
  14. Krajewski, Jarek, Dr. phil. (FB B Industrial Psychology)
  15. Laufenberg, Tom (FB B Experimental Industrial Psychology)
  16. Leder, Achim (FB B Experimental Industrial Psychology)
  17. Lepich, Thomas (FB E Process Informatics / Human Computer Interaction)
  18. Li, Meng (FB G Pedagogy of Early Childhood)
  19. Möller, Reinhard, Prof. Dr. (FB E Process Informatics / Human Computer Interaction)
  20. Molz, Günter, Dr. (FB G Psychology, Methodology und Psychologic Diagnostics)
  21. Mroz, Juliane (FB A German Linguistics)
  22. Peschel, Corinna, Dr. (Institut für Bildungsforschung, School of Education)
  23. Radach, Ralph, Prof. Dr. (FB G General und Biological Psychology)
  24. Rapic, Smail, Prof. Dr. (FB A Philosophy)
  25. Rathert, Monika, Prof. Dr. (FB A German Linguistics)
  26. Rüdiger-Mastandrea, Barbara, Prof. Dr. (FB C Applied Mathematics, Stochastics)
  27. Runschke, Kerstin (FB A German Didactics)
  28. Schnieder, Sebastian (FB B Experimental Industrial Psychology)
  29. Symanczyk Joppe, Vilma (FB A German Linguistics)
  30. Tatchouala, Eugeune Colinet (FB A, German Didactics)
  31. Treanor, Fergal (FB A English Linguistics)
  32. Ungruh, Stefan (FB B Experimental Industrial Psychology)
  33. Vorstius, Christian, Dr. (FB G General and Biological Psychology)
  34. Wieland, Rainer, Prof. Dr. (FB B Organizational Psychology)